

Workflows can be a great tool to use saving time and improve efficiency for you, your team or in the office.

Workflows can be a great tool to use saving time and improve efficiency for you, your team or in the office. Workflows can direct information to a specific person or to a specific department, you can do this using form logic and a dropdown selection along with specific emails that get triggered depending on the selections made on the form.

Bespoke workflows can be arranged for your account and these can/will be set by the developers here at Array enabling you to change the status of a submission directly on your submission page within Array reports. Using the filters you can then show only the data relevant to your task at hand.

For simple workflows such as notifications, we have bots that can be applied to a particular form on an account. Simply, you can set small workflows on the forms using Dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc. to learn how to do this follow the doc below. If you require more bespoke workflows, contact a member of the team here, Contact us.

Setting a Workflow

In this example, We show you a workflow using a drop-down. You can use any element of Array features to trigger a workflow depending on your use case and what best suits your needs. Using dropdowns can be useful, easy and one of the most powerful elements to use and used in conjunction with Email copy and email logic it is unquestionably a remarkable tool. Setting up an email copy is simple and will be so that once a selection is made, it will trigger an email to go to the correct user or department that has been selected on the form. You may want to use this to notify a user or a department of a submission that has been made relevant to them. Sometimes, just doing setting emails is a good way to make sure nothing is missed in the chain.

Common uses for this include field teams notifying managers, call centres making qualifying calls and passing data to a sales rep or just simply just set the flow of a form to go to the next stage in the process. Alongside email notifications, setting a workflow using the fields within a form allows you to filter the data within Array reports showing you only the data you require to see. Workflow fields can be admin fields or just normal fields on the form.

To begin making a workflow from your forms, first drag in the dropdown field into your form, populate the dropdown with the relevant information needed to trigger your email. In this example, I am a call centre making a discovery calls and I want to pass the data to a sales rep to visit the outlet when they are a warm lead. Firstly, I will select who I want the form to be sent to, secondly, I will set the call warmth. If both match the parameters I have set for the email copy to be triggered (send to ‘John’ and if call warmth is ‘Hot’). Before you can set these parameters for your email copy to be triggered, you will need to make sure you have an email copy set up.

Once you have the dropdown field in place we now need to set the email to be sent to the specific user. You will want to set up multiple email templates to send to all the user's names in the dropdown a particular email. Alternatively, you could make one generic email and apply the logic to the email copy to send to all users depending on who is selected, Both ways will work just as well as each other. You can create an email template by following our doc on Email Templates.

Once you have a theme set up for each rep or you have one generic email you will need to set the email copy to send on the form builder page. To do this you can follow our support article on setting up email copy here. You will also find information on setting email logic to trigger the emails. Below are detailed examples of the emails set up and the logic applied to each for the correct emails to send to the correct person.

Below: Settings of email copy to send 'John' an email when the form is updated

Below: Email copy settings where you access logic settings to trigger specific emails

Below: Logic settings for each email to be triggered. This needs to be configured on each email copy setup.

Although we have done this with a drop-down field, the route would be exactly the same for a checkbox selection, radio buttons or even just a standard text field.

Bespoke Workflows

Bespoke workflows are more advanced than admin field workflows and allow you to select multiple submissions at once and change their status rather than editing each submission in the reports page of Array.

There are many uses for bespoke workflows, it may be that you only want particular users to see certain workflow data or you want notifications to be triggered to users depending on the status of the submission, all of this can be done with bespoke workflows.