Webhooks & API

Webhooks & API

Webhook is a technique used to send HTTP POST notifications to a URL.

Webhook is a technique used to send HTTP POST notifications to a URL. They can be used to connect apps together or just send data from external sources to populate your forms from a database. Webhooks are "user-defined HTTP callbacks". These callbacks may be maintained, modified, and managed by third-party users of Array so that information collated can be amended depending on what is required. 

Setting up webhooks with your external source can be configured on the form designer page under the settings cog. 

Select the desired form that you require webhooks to be linked to. You will need to open the desired form and navigate to the 'Connect' at the Top of the Form Builder.


​Next, head to the Webhook tab on the right hand side of the page. 


Selecting the Webhook tab and you should see a page like below if you have no previous webhooks set up on your form. Once here you will need to select 'Add' to add a new webhook data. The screen will change and give you a magnitude of parameters to enter so we can link to your external source. You will need to enter a name for the webhook along with the relevant links to your external source.


Expand each section to amend where data is received/ the location it is pulled from. You will need to complete the necessary fields for the data you want to input into your forms.


Webhook can be a vital tool if used correctly with 3rd party systems and can be very beneficial for the collation of data if required on a 3rd party software. Array has made it as simple as possible to configure webhooks on our forms and we will continue to improve the systems used to do so. 

Similarly, if you are looking to push and pull data to and from an external source you will be looking for our feature, data search. Data Search tool can be used to push and pull data from an external source, so not only populate a form but also being able to populate a database with the information provided on your submitted form. You may need to use an integration such as Podio or Silverpop to ensure we are able to link successfully with the 3rd party source. 


If you do require more information on the API used within Array, please see out API docs at https://www.buildarray.com/api/browser#/api, or contact one of our team using support and we will assign a member of the team to your case.