Billing Explained

Billing Explained

How Billing Works

How Billing Works

Billing within Array is a completely automated system which works out the account you are on, the users within your account and how long you are to be billed for. Array has taken time to develop the system allowing us to focus on what data collection is all about…. the platform you use. Oh…. and we don’t tie you into a contract!

Within Array we offer 2 main types of billing options, Monthly and Annually. Depending on your use case, how long you will need the platform and how long after a campaign you may need to store the data depends on the billing option your company may go for.

By looking at Array pricing page you will notice there are 2 key accounts on offer for you to sign up and get started straight away, Essential and Pro. We do offer an enterprise service where the platform can be completely customized to suit you and your uses bit you will need to contact us here if you wish to discuss this option further. Contact Us.

Billing Options

We have 2 types of billing option available to you and the account you choose, Monthly and Annually. Both can be seen on our pricing page. There is a slight discount of 2 months if you decide to pay annually in one go otherwise there is a premium for paying on a monthly rolling basis.

Annual Payments

If you decide to go for Annual payments, the payment will be taken in full for the year and your account will be billed again in exactly 365 days time when the cycle has expired.

‘What if I add an additional user’ I hear you ask…. well depending on your plan will also depend on how you are billed for the additional user that you have added. Each account comes with a number of users but any additional over this number will be changed to your account based on a monthly rate per additional user.

If you have paid annually, the system will work out the total cost of that user for the remainder of the year you have left on your bill and add it to your account. If you were to remove say a month later, you will not be refunded but you will be able to fill that user's space again with another user anytime though-out your year's subscription and you will not be billed the additional again.This is Array’s way of making sure you don’t miss out on those users you have already paid for.

Monthly Payment

Monthly payments are very similar to annual payments but obviously only on a month on month rolling basis. Your account will be changed at the same point each month for the account and you will always only be charged for what you use. 

What I mean by this is if you add a user one month but the delete them the week after, you will only be charged for the additional users for the month. If you add the user at the start of your billing cycle you will be charged the full user cost. 

With a monthly rolling contract, you will not be refunded if you decide to delete users or close your account.

Upgrading your account

Upgrading your account is simple and can be done with only a few clicks. To upgrade your account first find what account suits you best and that the requirement of the accounts meets what you need. Once you have selected the correct account you can simply go to our pricing page and upgrade your account.

Once you have upgraded your account, payment will be taken for the upgrade but you will only be charged the difference between your current pricing plan to your new pricing plan. For example, if you are on a transform Monthly account paying $35 a month and you transfer onto an Automate Monthly account charged at $240, you will only be charged the difference at $205.

Downgrading your account

To downgrade your account it is much like upgrading but there are a few hoops that need to be jumped through that will enable you to do this. Initially, when looking to downgrade your account you will need to make sure that your current forms and your user numbers match that of the account that you are looking to downgrade to.

You will need to take extra care to ensure that your forms you have in your account do not have features that are required for a higher pricing plan. Some of these things could include Email copy, Form Logic, themes, Product boxes etc. Alongside this, you will also need to ensure that user numbers are below that on the new account you choose to downgrade to. If you wish to have additional users on top of the ones allocated to the account you will need to add these once you have downgraded your account.

Add-ons to my account

If you are looking to add any additional features to your account these will be added as an additional add-on. These features include additional storage, additional users, Bots, Bespoke Workflows or amending email addresses. These additions will be added on to your monthly bill and will continue on a rolling basis.

Some of these add-ons can be added by the account owner to the account. These include things like bots. If you are requiring any other additions to your account you will need to contact our team who will be able to arrange depending on the requirements you need. You can contact our team here or the online support.

If you have any further questions on billing or how billing is worked out on your account please don’t hesitate to contact one of the team who can arrange a call or explain further.
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